Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homecoming Week=A SUCCESS!!

Last Friday we kicked off our Centennial Homecoming with the comedy show. I must say it was wayyyy past hilarious. It was great to stop and enjoys laugh from Kevin Hart, Benji Brown and Cory Holcomb. Afterwards, my girls and i were able to go out and party for the Polo Affair Party. It was an absolutely great beginning to a fun-filled week.

Throughout the week we had several events going on, including the Choir Ball, the NCCU Coronation, To Kill a Runway Fashion Show, the Stepshow and much more. A lot of our events indeed sold out, so it was important that you got your tickets early!

Saturday, current students, faculty and staff, alumni and roaring fans crowded the stands to cheer on the Eagles as we took on Central St. We won the game and celebrated it on into the night!! We ended homecoming week with the Dance Show and, you cant forget, multiple parties!!!!

Overall, this being my first homecoming, I had a wonderful time! I look forward to next year's alreadyyy!.

For more NCCU Centennial events, visit

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Such A BusyBody!!

Greetings Ladies!..oh and Gents!!

I must say it seems like forever since I spoke with you guys! My life has become of whirlwind of various activities including Dimensions of Learning requirements, fall break, midterms and this week, our CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING! =]

I absolutely can't forget the wondeful privilege we had to have the great Dr.Patricia Russell-McCloud, an internationally acclaimed orator and author, come and speak with us Tuesday, October 13. She spoke of an EDUCATION UPGRADE, and stated "It's better to have too much then not enough [Education]!"

Also, last week consisted of MIDTERMS, MIDTERMS, MIDTERMS!!..Eventhough I stressed, hemmed and hawed about them, I did well on them all. Two claps for me! As I mentioned above,Dimensions of Learning, its a required course of all NCCU students. It's by no means hard, but it's definately not a class you can procrastinate in!! The course consists of creating a business portfolio, and attending a numerous of on campus events!

And lastly, Homecoming is this week so there will be a plenty of stories to tell! Speaking of that, this homecoming is celebrating our university's 100th year, and it has started off wonderful and full of excitement!!..


Look forward to my next blog for pictures of how us Eagles really do thanggzzz!!! =]

until next time,

Monday, October 5, 2009


Greetings All!

Since last week I knew that this week, I was going to discuss the AggieEagle Classic. But wrong! Eventhough the game was marvelous and we were defeated by the Aggies, we had an ever so close win.
With 2 overtimes, the Aggies finally took us down by a touchdown. So we win some, and we lose....all..noo.j/k!!! We're hanging in there!

But more importantly I wanted to bring to your attention the SGA elections, and sort of inform you on the process of the elections. As a freshman, you have the choice to obtain Freshman Class President, Freshman Class Vice President, Class Secretary and also the most significant title of them all, Mr. or Miss. Freshman! To obtain a position, you must go through a sequence of events and complete different tasks.

Beginninng with attending the interest meeting, all candidates interested in running must attend this meeting to learn of the responsibilities of each title and also learn guidelines on what you can and cannot do in your campaigning. Many students this year held ice cream socials, game nights, passed out candy, and hung various flyers around the campus.

On Speech and Debate Night, you will be able to present (if running), or listen in to gain knowledge about candidates and the ideas they're proposing. When voting, and always vote (EVERY VOTE COUNTS) always cast your vote for whom has the greatest anticipations of the class and not who looks the best!!

In the mean time,
Congrats to our new additions to the SGA FAMILY! =]

Freshmen Class President-Reggie McCrimmon
Freshman Class Vice-President-Janasha King
Freshman Class Secretary-Noredia Akwara
Miss Freshman-Lauren Pinckney
Mr. Freshman-Jimmy Woods

until next time,

Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Weekend 2009!

This weekend, September 18th-20th, was our 1st family weekend of the Fall 2009 year! Even though my family wasn't able to attend (sadface), I had a wonderful time! It was kicked off Friday with events such as bowling and movie night, recreational activities in the Walker Complex, and lets not forget the "infamous Fish Fridays!"

Awaken to the aroma of fried fish and chicken, turkey legs, and fresh pineapples, Saturday morning was our pre-game tailgating! As the stands filled with screaming students, alumnis, parents, and staff, the game begin! We had a good game and even went in to overtime, but the scoring of a field goal by Morehead left us in a lost, 13-10. =[ After the game, our Legacy Talent Show was held, eveybody did a wondeful job and we even had SAB (Student's Actvities Board) raffling off gifts and prizes!

The Hill Harper Lyceum was a must see! Open to the public and free admission, it was no reason for you to have missed it. In his inspirational ceremony, he spoke of several topics to motivate youth in the right direction. The subject about "THRIVE" sparked my interest the most; he explained how "surviving" was "low bar" and in life, you must do more than survive you must thrive!!

Wrapping up, Family Weekend 2009, turned out to be a great success!! Join us Saturday, as we take on Duke University!! NCC-Uuuuuuu!!

until next time,

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

NCCU vs. Liberty =]

Saturday, I had the chance to travel on "Eagle 2"; one of NCCU's 56-passenger motercoaches. The buses were leased to provide an oppurtunity for students, faculty and staff to attend cultural and athletic events.
Saturday, we traveled to Lynchburg,Virginia to our game at Liberty University! The ride there was great, the reclining seats, flat screens, and yes even Wi-Fi!
Even though we arrived semi-late we fell right in place, immediately cheering our eagles on! At the game I was informed of our "SCREAMING EAGLES",which is a pep-club or "screamers" who attend every game and basically scream!! l0l!

We led the game all the way up until halftime, but unfortunately fell short and returned with a loss! Despite the fact of losing, the experience was amazing. I had NEVER seen any group of people cheer their school on so boldly and proudly, even when we fell behind they kept a cheering!! The court, which consists of Mr.& Miss. NCCU and more, was also there, attired in their maroon and grey suits! Our band played during half time and even had THEIR crowd rocking and dancing! Shoutouts to the great SOUND MACHINE!
If their was one and only one thing I was allowed to say about NCCU, it would be the willingness to love and meet new people. It doesn't matter whether you are black or white, fat or skinny, or short or tall, we show love to everybody! I started off to Virginia knowing two people on the bus and returned knowing two hundred! It's simply family love!!!

with love,

Friday, September 11, 2009

College Life!

Good day peoples,

So now I think I can say I have hit the “nitty-gritty” of things, and I can tell you this isn’t at all like HIGH SCHOOL!! Nobody is here to babysit you! I have come up with all kinds of schedules and a variety of ways to get things done. In college, getting to class on time, studying, eating, and social life have to be arranged to fit your own personal schedule. Everyday won't be a fabulous brunch with the girls/guys; you have to get it and go, and every night can't be a 3am hangout in front of Vintage Baynes =] Also, mama is not here to wake you up, and there is most definitely not a Saturday Morning Make-Up Day! Reaching the maximum number of absences equals being withdrawn from the class....DON’T let that be you! I set not 1, not 2, but 3 alarms to wake-up! I usually wake up on the 1st one, the last two are considered my “just-incases”!!

What some fail to tell you…?
COMMUNTIY SERVICE is REQUIRED, and STUDENT INVOLVEMENT is equally important!! Around this time is when you start becoming aware of different ways to earn community service hours. Here at NCCU, 15 hours per semester are required, giving you a total of 120 at graduation. There are many events such as our Book bag Drive, our Make a Difference Day, which I will be attending, and blogging which I also do!! Another option is the American Red Cross Blood Drive; you can save a life and earn hours all in one go!!
Now student involvement is not required, but name a reason why you wouldn’t want to be involved!!! There is SGA, which includes positions such as freshman president, Miss. Freshman, Mr. Freshman, and etc. There’s SBA (Student Activities Board), which I was accepted to, that partakes in all the campus events and activities. Also there is House Council, where you can run for positions and Mr. & Ms. of your residential hall. Lastly but not least, there are several modeling troupes and dance squads you can try out for. Here at NCCU, there's something to do for everyone...there's not an excuse not to be involved!

And before I let you go, college is what you make it. If you make it hard, then that’s exactly what it’ll be! If you make it simple……..
then that’s exactly what it’ll be!!

Until next time,

Monday, August 31, 2009

Itz time to Take0ff!

Hi. Hello

Well, Move-In was fantastic!! I had never seen so many totes and refrigerators in my entire life!! To my benefit, I already had my eagle card, so I didn’t have to wait in the ridiculously long lines of the Lee Biology Building! Week of Welcome was very welcoming, down to the entertainment of the Fraternities and Sororities at Training Day to the pinning of the Eagles at the New Eagle Convocation! Big Ups to NCCU on welcoming us freshmen! SNAP SNAP!

August 17th, classes have started!
Classes are great; despite the hike up the "Jesus Steps", I love every minute of it!
The class sizes are small and the professors are enthused in teaching! I have a total of 17 credit hours, but the work has yet to slap me in the face!!

Campus Life has really become an experience. Here you never know who you are going to meet and what’s going to happen! You just got to love "the yard'!! Hanging out at Baynes and the overly crowded cafĂ© on “Chicken Wednesdays” are my favorite!!! I’m constantly meeting new people, I am in my third week and things can only get better!!

Shouts-out to New Res II and the best R.A, Uyi Idahor!!!

Until next time,

Monday, August 24, 2009

All About Bri =]


Greetings Eagles! My name is Bridgett Elliott, but I prefer Bri!!! =] I'm 17 years of age; yep a youngin' and I absolutely love it. October 9th is my day; so Libras party with me! I reside in Erwin, North Carolina; for those who are unfamiliar, it's a tiny, itty-bitty town about 20 minutes from Fayetteville! I enjoy shopping, texting, hanging with friends, and shopping! Lol!

Wondering How I Became An Eagle?

Choosing a college was one of the hardest decisions ever. Being accepted to ECU,FSU,A&T,UNC-G and NCCU, I had several options. Taking the placement test here in April, before I even decided on a college, made me fall in love with the campus. The CORE leaders were so kind and helpful to everyone, answering and asking all questions to the best of their knowledge. After touring the campus during Open House, I knew without a doubt this is where I needed to be! Not to close to home, not to far from home and wonderful people!!! Days later I completed my housing and unpatiently waited for my financial aid award letter!! Orientation was the hottest ever, but beneficial, and who could forget the first "shower shoe" experience!!

Curious about college life I decide to attend Summer Session II, where I met a lot of friends. Summer school was great, fast paced but intriguing. I learned the buildings and the "shortcuts" to class and also got ahead in my classes!! The Black Experience Since 1865, the best class ever. Finishing up summer school, I was ready to be amongst my peers. That good old Class Of '13,Stand Up!

until next time,