Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Such A BusyBody!!

Greetings Ladies!..oh and Gents!!

I must say it seems like forever since I spoke with you guys! My life has become of whirlwind of various activities including Dimensions of Learning requirements, fall break, midterms and this week, our CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING! =]

I absolutely can't forget the wondeful privilege we had to have the great Dr.Patricia Russell-McCloud, an internationally acclaimed orator and author, come and speak with us Tuesday, October 13. She spoke of an EDUCATION UPGRADE, and stated "It's better to have too much then not enough [Education]!"

Also, last week consisted of MIDTERMS, MIDTERMS, MIDTERMS!!..Eventhough I stressed, hemmed and hawed about them, I did well on them all. Two claps for me! As I mentioned above,Dimensions of Learning, its a required course of all NCCU students. It's by no means hard, but it's definately not a class you can procrastinate in!! The course consists of creating a business portfolio, and attending a numerous of on campus events!

And lastly, Homecoming is this week so there will be a plenty of stories to tell! Speaking of that, this homecoming is celebrating our university's 100th year, and it has started off wonderful and full of excitement!!..

Website: http://www.nccu.edu/homecoming

Look forward to my next blog for pictures of how us Eagles really do thanggzzz!!! =]

until next time,

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